
Jenny Alderton | Hal Camplin | Laura Dutton | Johannes GerardDave Gowers | Caroline Humphreys | Steph Mastoris | Charlotte MorganJack Moyse | Nel Naylor | Tracie Peisley | Katya Robin I suggest we can learn and grow through ill health, that it’s possible to live well with disability and art practice can help to…

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Curatorial Team

Bella KerrI was a lecturer in art and design for 30 years, teaching at all levels from foundation to postgraduate, and Programme Director of the Foundation Art and Design course at Swansea School of Art from 2004 – 2016. Drawing underpins a visual practice spanning installation, small-scale making and film, shown in a range of…

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Curated by Bella Kerr, Caroline Humphreys & Amanda Roderick for Oriel Y Bont, April – September 2025 Directly the bed is called for, or, sunk deep among pillows in one chair, we raise our feet even an inch above the ground on another, we cease to be soldiers in the army of the upright; we become deserters.…

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