
Introduction to the exhibition The idea of Keeper had been with me for some years – that I would perform a piece for which I would manage a space full of objects over a period of time. When Mission Gallery offered this opportunity, the work developed in discussion with Amanda Roderick and other gallery staff, and…

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CIVIC has grown from an exhibition into a larger project, a network of practitioners and researchers, in conversation about art, architecture and the city; about cultural institutions, place, space, writing & walking. The first manifestation of this project in 2014 was as an interrogation of the city, an invitation to propose architectural and other interventions for…

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Bella Kerr: Civic Dog (Walks) I commissioned Matthew Otten, designer, to make 100 laser-cut slate dogs. The dogs were displayed at the Civic base – the glass porch of the old library building – until they were ‘distributed’ by participants on city walks, to be found (or lost) over future days, weeks or years. The…

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Bed and Table

Oriel Davies, Newtown: 04 July 2009 – 05 September 2009 The research identified a series of spaces including redrooms – the parental bedroom and the dining room. Bedrooms are private, the site of confidences, negotiations, plans, dreams, love, hate, sex, birth, illness and death. The dining table is public, the site of rituals that display and support…

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Curatorial Residency, New York

CIVIC Collaborative Curatorial Residency at Residency Unlimited New York. Bella Kerr & Amanda Roderick | October/November 2016 Read more about CIVIC A collaborative investigation of the visible and invisible structures and infrastructures centred on and around the art gallery and other cultural organisations, considering the role of partnerships, dialogue, learning, opportunity and engagement. The collaborative…

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Working with Opus

OPUS – Foundation Art & Design, Swansea, staff group In 2007 the staff of the Art and Designer course at Swansea decided to exhibit together for the first time. We took the name Opus from our first exhibition, Nascent Opus, and used it for some years as a way to present ourselves to the world…

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Making Protest

Making Protest, shown as part of Time Let Me Play:Time Let Me Play | Gathered Again | Green & Golden During summer 2014, the Foundation staff at Swansea College of Art set themselves 50cm Rule as a holiday project and a way to introduce themselves to the new students. I made a ‘soapbox’ to these…

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Jenny Alderton | Hal Camplin | Laura Dutton | Johannes GerardDave Gowers | Caroline Humphreys | Steph Mastoris | Charlotte MorganJack Moyse | Nel Naylor | Tracie Peisley | Katya Robin I suggest we can learn and grow through ill health, that it’s possible to live well with disability and art practice can help to…

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Curatorial Team

Bella KerrI was a lecturer in art and design for 30 years, teaching at all levels from foundation to postgraduate, and Programme Director of the Foundation Art and Design course at Swansea School of Art from 2004 – 2016. Drawing underpins a visual practice spanning installation, small-scale making and film, shown in a range of…

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Curated by Bella Kerr, Caroline Humphreys & Amanda Roderick for Oriel Y Bont, April – September 2025 Directly the bed is called for, or, sunk deep among pillows in one chair, we raise our feet even an inch above the ground on another, we cease to be soldiers in the army of the upright; we become deserters.…

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Rub & Roll

Residency and Exhibition with Cardiff MADE Gallery The Associates programmeJanuary-June 2024 Rub & Roll is the culmination of 4 months of exploratory printmaking using non-toxic techniques,above and below the plate surface, with a core group of 5 exhibiting artists: mentors Sarah Garvey & Lisa Chappell alongside participant artists Bella Kerr, Kate Shooter & Eleanor Whiteman.…

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Fringe Arts Bath Festival 2024 | Artist Callout

The call-out to Artists for Fringe Arts Bath Festival 2024 is now live. An exhibition I am curating with Amanda Roderick and Caroline Humphreys, will be a part of this year’s festival. ‘Deserters’ will explore the relationship between illness and making – does being one of the ‘unwell’, a ‘refusenik’, a ‘quiet-quitter’ engender creative processes?…

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Play is a Roomy Subject / Le Jeu est un Sujet Spacieux

Play Is a Roomy Subject is an international exhibition, featuring works from Welsh andCanada-based artists, held at the University of Ottawa. The show variously exploresmetaphorical dynamics of play and care within space and relationships. Relationships, be that onan individual scale, or within communities and collectives, or even between humans and theirenvironment, all provide a crucial…

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The Coming of Age

curated by Bella Kerr & Amanda Roderick for Fringe Arts Bath 2022 “Society cares about the individual only insofar as he is profitable. The young know this. Their anxiety as they enter upon social life matches the anguish of the old as they are excluded from it”. Simone de Beauvoir, 1972 In Simone de Beauvoir’s…

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